A Guide to Dubai’s Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC)

Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC) in Dubai

Rental disputes are common in today’s flourishing real estate market. These concerns, which range from arguments over lease terms to maintenance issues, can strain the tenant-landlord relationship. Fortunately, the Dubai Land Department’s (DLD) Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC) is a clever judicial mechanism that strives to settle tenancy-related problems. RDC solves many issues in an organized and unbiased manner, providing both parties with a tool for swiftly addressing and resolving disagreements. Let’s find out more about the facility and the services it provides.


The Rental Disputes Center (RDC) in Dubai is a real estate dispute resolution system. It uses a computerized system to handle rental and co-owned real estate concerns.

One of the center’s aims is to address rental disputes in Dubai, which were established by Decree No. 26 of 2013 by Dubai’s ruler, His Highness Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

RDC aims to enhance dispute resolution procedures by providing a quick and simple approach. Its goal is to bring about social and economic stability in the real estate market.

The RDC Dubai has exclusive jurisdiction over landlord-tenant rental issues. Free zones, counterclaims, provisional actions, and appeals are all included. It is responsible for enforcing decisions and judgments rendered in rental disputes that fall under its authority.

In 2019, the RDC’s jurisdiction was enlarged under the Dubai Land Department to include disputes concerning jointly held land. This expansion is consistent with Law No. (6) of 2019, which governs jointly held property in Dubai.

The goal is to increase transparency and encourage Dubai’s worldwide real estate position. Disputes over jointly owned properties are settled using a computerized and innovative court system noted for its speed and precision.

The Rental Dispute Settlement Centre is made up of several sections. Case registration and legal support, for example, are managed by the Department of Central Support. It also serves inquiries on defendants. The Department of Conciliation resolves disagreements, whereas the Department of Law Enforcement enforces evictions and financial claim rulings.

Rental Dispute Settlement Centre
If you believe you are paying too much, go to your local RDC centre or the official RDC website.


The Dubai Rental Dispute Centre provides a number of services to ensure a fair trial and case transparency.

The following is a complete list of RDC services in Dubai.


This service allows parties to register a request for dispute settlement. It eliminates time-consuming judicial proceedings while protecting everyone’s rights within a legal framework.

If an agreement is achieved, it is signed by all parties concerned, the conciliator, and a supervising judge. This agreement can be enforced by the Rental Disputes Centre in Dubai.


The RDC has the role of resolving and litigating cases on behalf of landlords and tenants.

Here is a list of several legal actions that fall under the jurisdiction of the RDC.


Customers can use RDC’s service to sue in the first instance for issues between landlords and tenants. It is the initial level of ligitation with the Rental Dispute Centre Dubai.


Power of Attorney Registration (if applicable): AED 25

First Instance Lawsuit (Ownership of Jointly Owned Real Estate)

This service enables clients to submit claims at the First Instance for various sorts of disputes involving the ownership of jointly owned real property.


  • Processing fee: AED 100
  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25
  • Writ of Certiorari Deposit: AED 500

Lawsuit for Writ of Certiorari

Use this service to file an application for reconsideration, also known as a “Writ of Certiorari.” If the decision was passed in your presence or in your absence, the request must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the verdict.


  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25
  • Writ of Certiorari Deposit: AED 500
rental dispute in Dubai
RDC helps in filing a rental dispute in Dubai.

Significant Enforcement Dispute

Clients can file a lawsuit for unpaid checks under the Substantial Enforcement Dispute lawsuit. The Rental Disputes Centre (RDC) assists in enforcing this legal action.


  • Substantial Enforcement Dispute deposit: AED 5,000
  • Processing fee: AED 100
  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25



Clients in rental disputes can use RDC Dubai’s contestation services to challenge a decision made by the First Instance Committees, Execution Judge, or Provisional and Summary Actions Judge. The following documents are required:

  • Appeal Plaint.
  • Supporting documents related to the case, such as notices, penalties, utility bills, correspondences, and cheques.


If the First Instance Committee’s original decision includes a financial claim against the party appealing, half of the awarded sum must be posted as security for the appeal. This deposit, however, is refundable. Other RDC Dubai costs for appeals are shown below.

  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25


Register a Rental and Jointly Owned Property Execution Proceeding

Clients may ensure that various forms of officially decided claims relating to rental and jointly owned properties are enforced by using our Dubai Rental Dispute and Settlement Centre service. Lease renewals, monetary claims, evictions, and other issues fall within this category.


  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25
  • E-request on Execution Proceedings: AED 20
  • In eviction cases, 1% of the annual lease amount is charged: AED 5,000 (maximum)


This service allows customers to take action to recover funds owing to them as a result of dishonoured (bounced) checks.


  • Processing fee: AED 100
  • E-request on Execution Proceedings: AED 20
  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25

Submit a Third-Party Injunction Request

This service handles any injunction orders issued by a third party. It enables third-party clients to register a formal injunction request in the execution files maintained on the RDC’s system.


  • E-request on Execution Proceedings: AED 20


Register a Complaint

It specifies the timeline and conditions under which clients may express their displeasure with particular choices via a formal grievance procedure.

Submit a complaint or grievance that a party disagrees with within eight days after the decision’s implementation. The Petition Order and Offer and Deposit are two rulings that can be appealed. The following documents must be submitted:

  • A copy of the decision issued against the complainant (decisions by Provisional and Summary Actions or Execution Judges)
  • Motion plaint detailing reasons for the grievance.


  • Processing fee: AED 100
  • Registration of Power of Attorney (if applicable): AED 25

Register a Writ of Payment

In any situation, if a party owes money, utilize this service to file a petition asking the Summary Action Judge to issue a writ of payment to settle the debt.

Documents Required for Writ of Payment

  • Ejari copy with legal Arabic translation.
  • Proof of the specified debt amount due for immediate payment.
  • Proof of the debtor’s residence.
  • Proof of notice compelling the debtor to pay the debt.
  • Proof of the debtor acknowledging receipt of the payment obligation.
  • Cheque return memo from the relevant bank.
  • Applicant’s declaration affirming information validity and indemnity guarantee.
  • For individuals: Attach an Emirates ID copy. For legal entities: the manager’s Emirates ID and the latest commercial License copy.
  • Bank letter or statement with the plaintiff’s IBAN.
  • Supporting documents like power of attorney, management contract, correspondence, notices, utility bills, cheques, letters, etc.


  • Processing Service fee: AED 100
  • Power of Attorney Registration (if applicable): AED 25
  • 3.5% of the claimed amount if the fee ranges between AED 500 and AED 15,000

Submit a Petition Order

Clients can use this service to request a Provisional and Urgent Affairs Judge for interim intervention in urgent instances. Renewal of a commercial license, restoration of utilities, activation of building or parking access cards, inspection of leased property to assess damages, and other examples are possible. Customers might request these interim steps in order to solve specific difficulties as soon as possible.


  • Petition Order Request: AED 20
  • Knowledge fee: AED 10 ( for inspect-only requests)
  • Innovation fee: AED 10 ( for inspect-only requests)
  • 2.5% of the annual rent is applicable in the event of an inspection request

Register an Offer and Deposit

Tenants can utilize this service to make a court request with a special Provision and Summary Actions Judge for an order protecting their leasehold rights (the right to dwell in a property).

Depending on the circumstances, a judge may submit rent to a court rather than paying the landlord directly. Similarly, the landlord is required to return the tenant’s property keys.

Documents Required for Offer and Deposit Registration with RDC

  • Offer and deposit motion.
  • For individuals: Attach an Emirates ID copy. For legal entities: the manager’s Emirates ID and latest commercial License copy.
  • Offer and deposit motion.
  • Copy of last signed lease deposited with a new lease
  • Copy of correspondence between parties (if applicable).


  • Offer and Deposit fee: AED 50


Rental Good Conduct Certificate

Use this service to look into the other party’s rental history. The Rental Dispute Centre Dubai keeps a record in its system before drawing a lease; therefore, obtaining a Rental Good Conduct Certificate from RDC is a smart idea. For the certificate, use the Dubai REST app or the RDC official website.

Certificate to Whom It May Concern

This certificate may be used for a variety of things. Apply using the Dubai REST app, the official website of the Dubai Land Department, or the WhatsApp chatbot.


  • Real Estate Services Trustee Centres: AED 120
  • Service Partner fees along with VAT: AED 50
  • Certificate Charges: AED 50 per certificate

Besides issuing certificates, other services on the portal include:

  • Track your case
  • Request to add an attorney
  • Exemption of lawsuit fees


While each service has its own set of fees, below is a summary of the most frequent costs that apply to all services:

  • Knowledge fee: AED 10
  • Innovation fee: AED 10
  • Processing fees under Execution, Lawsuits and Contestation Services: AED 100

Furthermore, if a claim is submitted through the Real Estate Services Trustees Centers, the partners’ service costs of AED 130 + VAT are applied to all litigation and other RDC services.


  • A copy of the Ejari contract
  • Emirates ID copy for individuals; copy of commercial license for companies; and copy of manager’s or owner’s photo
  • Bank statement or bank letter with the plaintiff’s IBAN
  • A copy of the notorized notice along with notification officer’s report or registered post along with receipt of notice acknowledgement if it’s an eviction claim
  • Other documents required may include power of attorney, management contract, correspondence, notices, utility bills and letters
Tenancy Laws for Short-term Rentals in Abu Dhabi
RDC provides a variety of services to landlords and tenants.



When the relationship between a landlord and a tenant becomes strained, a rental dispute appears. A dispute can be caused by a number of factors. Rental conflicts, unreasonable rent hikes, maintenance concerns, noise, laws and restrictions regulating property usage, and lease terms and conditions are some examples.


The RDC and RERA provide a number of ways to contest the unreasonable rent increase. However, before initiating a dispute resolution, ensure that the increase is in accordance with RERA’s rent index. The notice must be delivered online or via registered mail.


To submit a rental dispute in Dubai with the landlord, go to your local Real Estate Services Trustees or the official RDC website.

This brings us to the end of our look at the Dubai Rental Dispute Settlement Centre and the services it provides. If you ever find yourself in a disagreement, you must be informed of the Dubai Tenancy Law.

This article is only offered for educational purposes, providing a general understanding of its material, including relevant laws and regulations, and is not meant to provide specific legal advice. The Blog is not meant to take the place of qualified guidance from a licensed professional.

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